TEGRO company is located in Těšenov 64, Horní Cerekev, canton Pelhřimov and was created as a private agricultural company in 1993. The company manages 890 ha of agricultural land in the Vysočina Region, 17 km from Pelhřimov towards Telč. Altitude farming is in the range from 540 to 670 m above sea.
Priority of this company is agricultural production in the range livestock production linked to the production plant. The core program of TEGRO is cattle, which is divided into two areas. Breeding cows with milk production of Holstein breed, and breeding cows without milk market production breed Aberdeen Angus.
23.8. - 28.8. 2018
Breed Aberdeen Angus is the most popular meat breed in the world. Black color breed is prized above all in the USA.
The formation and structure of the body is related to the breed of Holstein dairy utility type. In the company TEGRO is the main aim of breeding the current increase milk yields and improve the health status without buying animals from other farms, with an emphasis on profitability produced milk.
This breed is called the breed the future, not only for its ease of calving, for its great ability to parent, for his excellent fertility, but mainly for its unique flavor of the meat.
We sell pregnant heifers H100 with POP, breeding free IBR, BVD .... Excellent performance, perfect health. Contact: Vaněk Martin 606601145, collection possible immediately.